Certificate in MSK Shockwave Therapy
Integration into physiotherapy practice
2 Day - 15 hour
Cost: €375
Carlton Hotel
Church Rd
D15 EYX5
Application booklet
Exam Certificate*
Instantly Applicable
Clinically Relevant
Practical demonstration for a large array of MSK conditions
See content
Open to
CORU registered physiotherapists
physical therapists
Athletic Therapists
ARTI members
Medical Doctors
Course not open to
Massage therapists

Certificate in MSK Shockwave Therapy
Are you utilizing shockwave in your physiotherapy practice?
Are you planning to develop a shockwave service?
Expand your evidenced informed knowledge for a large array of MSK conditions.
Integrate SW to MSK physiotherapy practice and improve outcomes.
Dr Johnson McEvoy MISCP, PT is a Chartered Physiotherapist who has 15 years of clinical experience in the application of shockwave therapy. He developed the first physiotherapy led shockwave service in the Republic of Ireland in 2008. He utilises shockwave as part of a multimodal approach for many MSK conditions and integrated SW into Irish Boxing High Performance Team in 2010.
Johnson has an excellent knowledge of shockwave biological research and also efficacy evidence. He has presented at several conferences and also co-authored a published paper on the effect of SW on trigger point sensitivity
Course Outline:
Science & Evidence
Safety demonstration & application to over 45 various MSK conditions including:
Tendinopathies, Joint osteoarthritis, Bone pathologies, Trigger Points
Examples: Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles tendinopathy, Frozen shoulder, Knee Osteoarthritis, Osteitis Pubis
Evidenced guided by RCT, Systematic Reviews & Meta-analysis
Section 1 - Shockwave
Shockwave introduction
Historical aspects
Types of shockwaves
Types o machines
Biological effects of shockwave
Inflammation, pain effects, marcophages, regeneration, stem cells
Clinical applications of shockwave
Safety: Indications, precautions, contraindications
Side effects and adverse events
Section 2 - Shockwave Application
Each section lecture and clinical application demonstration:
Focus on radial shockwave
Evidence from RCT, systematic review & meta-analysis
Including instructor's clinical experience
Discussion on relevant exercises etc
Clinical parameters and variables
Booklet with clinical applications
General targeted tissues
Joint OA/synovitis
Bone healing - nonunion, stress fracture and boney oedema
Trigger points
Subacromial pain syndrome
Rotator cuff
Frozen shoulder
Calcific tendinosis
A/C joint
Sternoclavicular joint
Lateral eblow pain - tennis elbow
Medial elbow pain - golfer's elbow
Triceps tendon
Hand, Wrist & Thumb
CMC of thumb
Dupuytren's contracture
Lumbar Spine
Facet joint syndrome
Hip & Groin
Greater Trochanter Pain Syndrome: Gluteal tendinopathy / bursitis
ITB iliac attachment
Osteitis Pubis
Adductor tendinopathy
Thigh & Knee & Leg
Hamstring tendinopathy
Patellar tendinopathy
OA knee
Patello-femoral pain: fat pad, retinaculum
Anterior knee bursa
ITB Syndrome
Pes anserine bursitis
Shin splints
Foot & ankle
Achilles tendinopathy - mid portion and attachment
Plantar fasciitis - attachment and body
Lateral ligaments, deltoid ligament
Ankle OA
*Content subject to change
Certificate of attendance and content with exam
Not a qualification or statement of competency